Tuesday, December 28, 2010

31 DAYS OF SANTA changed to 25 DAYS OF SANTA...

Super sorry, peoples, but I'm cutting the series short, for a couple reasons-

1.) the freelance is beginning to build up a little, and I promised to start it up beginning in January. That time is creeping up fast now, and the days I missed already, I'd have to do some rush work to give myself some breathing room in between

2.) Not too many people care about Santa past Day 25 (you know, Christmas Day, after which most folks tend to think two things- PARTY LIKE ITS 2011, and MAKE SURE I DONT PASS OUT NAKED IN SOMEONE ELSE'S FRONT LAWN AFTER PARTYING LIKE ITS 2011

3.) Ummm... Because? Yeah. Because. Other things too, but that's enough. Onto new things to post. And new art. Not Santa related ;)


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